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Töissä ollaan tarkkana asioiden suhteekn |
Midas has been trained and a lot is still to go. The question is what is enough and what is required in whatever kind of situation. Often it may thought that support-dog is always be nicely or react to things in a certain way. What that way is depends of a user, of a viewer and of a dog; there's probably no one right answer to this.
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Töissä ohjaamassa ( At work. ) |
I act following with Midas: with the vests on it has to be in a certain way, without the vest he gets to be more free. He himself decides that there's third way; to not listen at all time to time.
Olipa Midas missä tahansa tilassa niin se ilmoittaa sille opetetut äänet ja näyttää ne tarvittaessa. Mitä tämän jälkeen tapahtuu riippuukin sen mielentilasta. Yleensä Midas ottaa palkkion vastaan, joskus muuhun toimintaan palaaminen on sille palkkio.
Whereever he is Midas notifies the sounds and shows them if needed. What happens afterwards, depends on his mindset. Usually he takes his reward, sometimes going back to an older act is a reward.
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Onko kaikki kunnolla laitettu ( Making sure everything is properly prepared. ) |
Aktiivisena koirana se osallistuu kaikkeen arjessa, välillä olisi sille turvallisempaa olla hieman kauempana, mutta karvaton kuono löytyy kiinni melkein jokaisessa asiassa. Edelleen on tiettyjä asioita joita se tekee vaikkei saisikaan. Yksi tälläinen asia on vessapaperin tuhoaminen mikäli sellainen mahdollisuus aukeaa.
An active dog takes a part in everything in every-day-life; sometimes it'd be more safer to him to be a bit further away but the hairless nose is almost attached to everything. Still, he does things he's not suppose to do; one of these things is to steal and destroy a toilet roll if an opening appears to him.
Midas also takes a part in cooking, sometimes coming up and checking how things are going; he might climb up on to couch's backrest, watching if any food fells on to the ground; in mornings Midas cannot be seen if it's not a work day since he really isn't an early riser; especially if it's rainy or cold.
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Aamu lenkille lähtö ilman salamaa ( Going to a morning walk without putting flash on on the camera. ) |
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Aamu lenkille lähtö ilman salaman kanssa ( Going to a morning walk without putting flash on on the camera. ) |
I return back to my question of what's good enough ? To me it's that with the hearing-dog-vest on he does the taught things with a bit of guiding. During free-time it's enough to notifying the sounds and their source. I accept occasionally the destroying a toilet roll because it's part of his nature.
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Asioita kertomassa ( Telling things. ) |
Yksittäiset asiat eivät ratkaise koiran luonnetta tai toimintaa vaan kokonaisuus. Midaksen tuoma kokonaisuus antaa minulle mahdollisuuden liikkua ja olla vapaasti. Miksen pyrkisi antamaa sille samaa mahdollisuutta kykyni mukaan...
a few thing doesn't form a dog's nature or his behavior but the entirety. The entirety that Midas has brought gives me a change to move and be free. Why wouldn't I try to give him the same change...
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Kävelyllä ( Walking. ) |
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