Freedom to move and do various things is something considered self-evident for us Finns, we can go different places or do various things. If it's lurched somehow, it's easy to stay home and isolate. My solution is hearing-aid-dog who as my ears and also guides me different environments. I can lower my face when the masses of people starts to make my head dizzy and follow Midas as long as is needed. If dizziness raises its head with Menier I can stop and lower to the same level with Midas, to wait until the fit pass by.
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Katsomassa kuinka pupu suorittaa este rataa ( Watching as bunny does an obstacle course. ) |
Today I got to enjoy the freedom to move and watch all sorts of things at the pet-event with Midas. We walked there, looking at different kind of animals, which most of Midas was curious of. Arriving to SAKATE area where was other AHTs and he almost forgot his work role almost completely.
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Katsomassa saman rotuisia koiria ( Watching other AHTs ) |
As we visited several areas that other dogs wasn't allowed to come, we could go freely and look at diverse things. Midas act fine and dandily, guiding me forward and not the noises did bug him. Only place where Midas almost lost it was by alpacas; he couldn't decide how he should act next to them. I didn't stay around and wait that Midas would get used to their smell and voice, if there was one. Afterwards thinking perhaps I should've stayed there for a moment so Midas could've get used to them and would not be unsure the next time he would encounter one in the future.
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Kilpikonnaa ihmettelemässä ( Wondering a turtle. ) |
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Olisipa välillä vähän korkeampi niin näkisi paremmin ( If only be a bit taller, I could see better. ) |
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Lehmiä katselemassa ( Looking at cows. ) |
We've visited many places with Midas after he graduated. Each time is different for both of us and we've learned a lot. Personally I've learned from Midas acting in different environments. At the same time I've learned to live with my constrain. Aid-dog has a significant role, in the process, perhaps in some day I'll be completely okay with my illness.
Tänään tapahtui ensimmäisen kerran niin, että Midas laittoi itse vapaaehtoisesti itsensä maahan ilman alustaa kun liivit oli otettu pois. Tosin ulkopuku oli jo päällä... Tätä on yritetty saada aikaiseksi monta kertaa, aina se onnistuu yllättämään kun vähiten odottaa.
Today was the first time when Midas lay down by himself without the blanket when the vest was taken off. Though outing outfit was on... We've tried to achieve this many times, it success when we least expect it.
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Maassa lepäämässä ( Lying down. ) |
Toinen asia joka paljastui messuilla on ettei Midas taida koskaan unohtaa tiettyä leikkisyyttään... Siellä oli paljon asioita joita olisi voinut käydä hieman lähemmin katsomassa ja tarvittaessa maistamassa.
Another thing that came up during the event, Midas doesn't never forget his friskiness... There was a lot of things that could've been visited closer and perhaps to taste a bit.
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Ihania lankakeriä joita olisi kiva vähän purkaa ( Lovely balls of yarn that would be great to unravel. ) |
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Miten niin ei voi vähän maistaa ( What do you mean I can't taste ? ) |
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