Last week I understood many things about myself and how much I need Midas' help in every-day-life. I had to go to Helsinki a few times, where bustle of people and noises confuse my head. Then Midas I instructed Midas to front of me to guid me so I could keep my eyes on it. It has it's own challenge; I can't react very fast if someone is coming towards Midas. Fortunately we could walk in peace.
Tehdessäni yhden matkan Helsinkiin itsekseni huomasin useita tilanteita, joissa olisin tarvinnut Midaksen tuomaa apua liikkumiseen sekä varoittamaan äänistä.
As making a trip to Helsinki by myself I noticed that in many situations where I would had needed help of Midas to guide and warn of noises.
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Töissä ( Working. ) |
In same trip I saw things where we have advanced and where more work is needed. The most important thing where we have gotten further is to grow the length of how long Midas can work and strengthening self-confidence. Traveling with a train went very well even though the train was full of people. Waiting is still hard though it goes better every time.
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Raskas työ vaatii veronsa ( Hard work requires its tax. ) |
Outside, when the weather is suitable, we both have patient to stop; moments that are clearly lengthen with Midas. It isn't going as soon as possible but waits for instructions of when to go and which direction. I have also noticed that my own speed has decreased.
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Aina on mukava leikkiä ( It's always nice to play. ) |
Overall the last week was educational to both of us, I could see where we're going and what still needs strengthening. It has become more clearer to Midas when it is in work and when off.
Yksi asia ei kuitenkaan ole muuttunut tämän viikon aikana; ei Midaksesta aamuvirkkua koiraa taida tulla kovinkaan helpolla... Toisiaalta eipä itsellänikään ole kiire aamuisin ulos palemaan.
One thing hasn't changed during the week; Midas won't become early riser very easily... Then again I'm not in a rush to cold outside in mornings.
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Joskus kiusausta ei voi vastustaa... ( Sometimes temptation cannot be resisted. ) |
Greetings from Sweden!
VastaaPoistaGood Boy Midas <3 !Keep up the good work :-)
Thank you 😊 I will