Midas has been taught to mark sounds and to guide me; he also has learned by himself to sniff my ears when they are unwell. If Midas really smells it or not, it can be thought from many angle. Today I got reminder of the ear sniffing that Midas did after we went to our evening jog. During this jog the ground started to sway and I became a little dizzy, and Midas stepped front of me to guide my way.
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Miltä maailmani näyttää välillä ( How the world sometimes looks. ) |
Fortunately we have trained this and it has been in use few times. We got home fine and early enough to me to take my medicine. This way I succeed to stop a bigger seizure. The medicine brings sleep and Midas settles close to me to wait the condition to stable before he goes to play.
Kaikki tuo oli erinomainen muistutus siitä kuinka elämäni on muuttunut sairauteni myötä ja millainen rooli Midaksella on arjessani monessakin suhteessa. Ennen sairastumista miettii mitä asioita voisi tehdä joskus tulevaisuudessa ja nyt asioita katsoo uudesta perspektiivista. Jäin miettimään asiaa miksi joskus tulevaisuudessa eikä nyt niinä hyvinä päivinäni. Tätä ajatusta miettiessäni katseeni ajautui Midakseen, jossa totesin olevan hyvä opettaja minulle. Se ei murehdi eilistä taikka huomista, se nauttii lämmöstä kun sitä on tarjolla taikka alkaa leikkiä erilaisilla asioilla mikäli siltä tuntuu. Se osaa elää hetkessä toisin kuin moni meistä ihmisistä.
All that was a great reminder of how my life has changed because of my disease and what kind of role Midas has in my every-day-life. Before I got sick I pondered things that I could do in the future and now the perspective has changed. I was left to ponder why in the future and why not in those good days. While thinking this I glanced Midas who I thought would be a good teacher to me. He doesn't worry of yesterday or tomorrow. He enjoys warmth when its available or starts to play when he feels like it. Midas can live in the moment unlike so many people.
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Auringon ottaminen kelpaa aina ( Sunbathing works everytime. ) |
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Aina voi ihmetellä maailman asioita ( I can always wonder the world ) |
I read an aphorism " My invisible disease ins't invisible. Look carefully. See how my life has change. " ( Meniere's Disease Awareness. Meniere's Resources, Inc. ) I haven't thought about it in that way; I realized it to be true. The most important lesson from Midas has been and still is: live in the moment. How to get it in my life has been harder question. Perhaps realizing this is a beginning of a new adventure with Midas, towards unknown paths and smells...
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Polku ( A path. ) |
Vielä tärkeämpää on luottaa sen antamaan merkkiin koskipa se mitä tahansa eli luota koiraasi niin kuin se luottaa sinuun.
More important is to trust in the mark Midas gives me whatever it is from; meaning trust in your dog like he/she trusts in you.
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Polku kai, Midas ohjaamassa ( Path I assume, Midas leading. ) |