The darkness of winter, coldness, slipperiness or snow isn't our thing. For me it brings certain difficulties to moving and Midas enjoys to relax in warm. Idleness could become problem if I allow it. We do the things that needs to be done in outdoor, so they doesn't start to feel forced. Though Midas isn't excited to go out and enjoys to sleep late at morning.
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Aamuvirkku työläinen ( Early worker. ) |
In the necessary outings we walk inside my limits in routes that are more of a routine than in Summer. Because of the hearing-dog-vest we can combine other activities like shopping or sitting somewhere warm place. At the same time we can train different sounds for example or just simply being in one place.
Kotona taas voidaan harjoittelun sijaan myös keskittyä leikkimiseen, joka vahvistaa yhteistä sidettämme vaikka se onkin välillä jopa liiankin vahva. Midas pitää erilaisista leikeistä osa on tyyppillisiä terrien leikkejä: narun vetämistä, lelujen tuhoamista toiset taas hieman erilaisia leikkejä. Noissa erilaisissa leikeissä etsitään erilaisia asioita; leluja taikka ruokaa. Yksi poikkeuksellinen leikki sillä on jota en odottanut näkeväni terrieriltä nimittäin pallon paimennus. Tämä tapahtuu lievästi erikoisella tavalla, toinen lelu suuhun ja kuonolla ohjataan palloa eteenpäin. Jos kukaan ei osallistu tähän sen kanssa niin pallo ohjataan sohvan alle, josta sitä pitää kaivaa sille esille.
Home we can focus to playing beside training that strengthens our bond that already is probably too strong. Midas enjoys various types of plays; some of them are terrier plays: pulling a rope or destroying toys. He also enjoys when I hid one of his toys or some of food. One play is an exceptional for it is something that I've never except from a terrier: he holds a toy in his mouth and pushes a ball of sorts around the house. If no one joins him in this play, Midas pushes the ball under a couch where it needs to be dug.
Home we can focus to playing beside training that strengthens our bond that already is probably too strong. Midas enjoys various types of plays; some of them are terrier plays: pulling a rope or destroying toys. He also enjoys when I hid one of his toys or some of food. One play is an exceptional for it is something that I've never except from a terrier: he holds a toy in his mouth and pushes a ball of sorts around the house. If no one joins him in this play, Midas pushes the ball under a couch where it needs to be dug.
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Vapaama juoksemista ( Freely running. ) |
Perhaps one of these days the Sun will rise and we can go outdoors once more, and we go back to our various walks, admire the wonders of nature the way they are. In the winter time I don't take pictures as much; that's why the pictures are recollections from the past months.
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